Instantly Unleash Tangible Miracles In Your Life! (A Lab-Class for ACIM)
Divine Guidance Insights
Amazing Prospective From Your Awakened Guides.
The links listed under "Divine Insights" and below are all about providing insights for greater clarity on your spiritual journey of Awakening.
You will find each address concepts and applications of exactly how and why our Divine guidance does things to as well as offering various perspectives from their point of view.
All our Spiritual Guides are Awaken: In many spiritual circles, there is a general belief that some Spiritual Guides are better than others, but this is just a ego ploy of comparisons, as all Spiritual Guides are Awaken Christ Beings who are fully aware of their Being a Perfect Expression of God Being God as them. They see you the same way... except for they are here to help you to remember this, to become aware of it once again, just as they are. Thus, when you are doing Perfection Healing session work with them leading you, you can rest assured that they are speaking as Christ would or even God, for they are they are One with and an expression of Both. Getting you there is their single goal... and with your willingness, you will find all but a little time is needed.
As follows are each one listed with a little reference overview as to what they address...
How Divine Guidance See Us: This is a wonderful piece that explains your guide's prospective on 'how they see us'... and why it is important that we 'ask questions' all along our journey to Awakening.
Inner Guidance Teaching-Learning Process: This is a great review that explains the process of how our Divine Curriculum unfolds, so you have a much better understanding as to 'why there are no accidences'... and why that everything that comes up in our journey that appears to be a challenge, is but an opportunity to learn the greater meaning of love. For many, this will bring great peace... for knowing that it is "All Good"... is a great awareness to have for our day to day life.
How do Miracles Healing: This is a piece written by Christos explaining exactly how Miracles work and are activated in our lives.
Tracking Your Progress: For those curious, 'awareness' is gained through the energetic expansion array of our seven candle energy centers that run along our spinal column. This array is like the antenna array your TV or radio uses to pick up channels of information. Your body works in a like way and through the opening of the arrays, greater understanding and insights are gained. These are reference to in eastern religions as chakras...but too are the centers through which God's life force is feed into the body and why Jesus said, "Man does not live by bread, but through the mouth of God".
Insights Through Curiosity Is Always Given If We Stop Long Enough To Ask.