Instantly Unleash Tangible Miracles In Your Life! (A Lab-Class for ACIM)
Common Questions and Answers
When Doing ACIM Lab-Class Work Under Guidance.
As follows are two areas that come up most often when we are working with the Holy Spirit and removing the blocks to the awareness of Love's Presences. Each one can be downloaded to a PDF by clicking on the question itself in the beginning. If you have other questions that are not covered here or are not clear, please email us so that you have the clarity that God's wants us all to have.
MY PAIN COMES BACK OR I AM LEAD TO THE SAME SITUATION TO BE RELEASED AGAIN? If you seem to have emotions reoccurring or coming up again”, we have been given by Spirit (The Oneness of It ALL) the following for insight in what is going on: Printable PDF: Negative Trapped Emotions Reoccur or Come Up Again?10/26/12, Christos
1. NEW SITUATIONS: Sometimes new situations not handled well can cause the same trapped emotion to reoccur... and the pain comes back! Remember the saying "keep your house clean?" This means your body. You must watch your thoughts and actions as well. The best way to prevent this is by taking any concern or perceived challenge immediately into a “prayer” of Love acknowledging the God is right there, here, in the situation managing things perfectly! This acknowledges that God is a God of Love and easily can manage and be there no matter the situation or circumstance.
2. A NEW ASPECT OF A SITUATION ADDRESSED BEFORE: While the situation may have been addressed before, some aspect of it was not. By continuing the session being guided by the Holy Spirit, the “word” or emotion is discovered to be difference once we bring the session to its conclusion. We have seen this happen several times – and in a couple cases, were surprised that the energy that actually came up this time brings tears with it.. (funny I had this happen three times yesterday during 5 self-healing sessions/releases). I was like “wow” – knowing then it was most certainly something new and while I had address the same “situation” before, Spirit lovingly was giving me what was ‘best for me’ in its most perfect order.
3. RELEASING SMALLER PIECES: In rear cases, the Holy Spirit will break the ‘release down’ into two or even three events (like a couple pieces of a pie). Trust that the Holy Spirit is always is gentle and loving and knows there is a balance in your energies that needs to be maintained. Thus releases (removing all the negative energy) are sometimes made over time (#4 below will add clarity) as releasing the whole pie would cause unbalances if released all at once.
4. MAINTAINING YOUR ENERGIES BALANCE BETWEEN CHAKRAS: As the Holy Spirit assist us in unraveling the tapestry of our ego thought system, there is a ‘balancing that is considered’ within with our energies systems (Chakras + their expressions). Or perhaps better put, “a consideration of not creating imbalances” as the ego energies of negativity are released. This is why it is called a gentle and loving process… as consideration of ‘maintain mental balance’ is important to preventing a sense of ‘lost’ – which could create ‘fear’ (which of course is to be prevented). This is why I am getting, that in A Course In Miracles, it says we need not be concerned with “how” the Holy Spirit works, but rather that it simply does what it is here to do – returning us to our sanity!
WHY DO I GET MIXED ANSWERS? Why does it seem I get mixed “yes and no” messages, or no answer at all, when asking certain questions of my Holy Spirit or my Spiritual Guides? Printable PDF: Why Do I Get Mixed Answers At Times When Asking Questions?
1. FEAR BASED QUESTIONS: Most frequently the question that gives both yes and no answers or no answer at all is because the question is based in fears or is some form of “control”. By “control” this means we are trying to avoid fear and fear in and of itself is not real. So the question is really a ‘form of defense’. Conversely, your Holy Spirit and Guidance are walking in Perfect Love and thus in essence, by your question, you are asking them to ‘make fear’ real and this, to them, is impossible. Remember, they are coming from a place where only Love is Real, so if they joined you in your question, they would be joining you in your dream that fear (control) is something real. If you not sure of the nature of your question being asked, then ask them, “Is my question fear based”?
2. QUESTIONS OF COMPARISON: Similar questions to #1 are questions where you are comparing something happening now or in the future or in the pass. An example is “Will the movie I interested in seeing going to be like the one I watched two weeks ago?” This question seems to be innocence enough, but you are asking your guidance to ‘step into the past’ and they will never do this. Again, they are Perfect Expression of Love and Love is ONLY HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. It has no past or future for it is timeless. So in essence such a question asks them to ‘go into time” and time as they know it is “limited”. So why would they want to go there? Moreover, why would you? Their function is to get you ‘out of the limited’ perceptions of time and back into the moment (where there is only love going on). Additionally, you could say you are asking them to ‘make a judgment’ and to them all is God and thus all is LOVE, as they KNOW we are all simply expressing our individuality in this very moment and thus, how can one even compare if they see God’s Creation as He See It? So trust in certainty that if a question contains even the slightest bit of comparison or judgment, you will get mixed answers.
So the best thing to do when you get mixed answers is to restate the question a difference way. Concerning a ‘choose’ you wish to make “right now”, simply ask, “Is see this movie I am thinking about going to going to serve my highest good?” And if you are wondering now “what is my highest good?” It is to be “joyous, happy and free”.
3. QUESTIONS THAT ARE NOT RELEVANT TO THE TOPIC BEING EXPLORED: The third reason for getting ‘mixed’ or ‘no answer at all’ is that the question in considered by your guidance as irrelevant or in a case of a choice you are asking about, either one you make makes no difference in the greater scheme of things. Again, if you ask it as “which one is in my highest good right now”? You will get an answer, for truth always is absolute. At the same time, this appears a little tricky as the ego is always trying to trip you up with doubt (the fear of being wrong or doing something wrong). An example is “is purple a better color than black’ for the font colors in this write-up?” Now, if you are ‘thinking’ at the time ‘light purple’, which would make it a bit more difficult to read, you may get ‘black’ as your answer; however, if you thinking “dark purple” then the answer may be “it does not matter”. Thus any question you ask “that is not absolutely clear” you may get a mixed answer for you are not clear and thus your question has nothing to do with the “absolute truth”. So remember, if you are asking a question where you are not being ‘absolutely clear’ you will most likely get a ‘mixed’ answer. Concerning questions like ‘font colors’, I find it best to just “change the color to what I’m feeling to change it to” and then ask: “Is this is best color for this write up right now?”
Summary of Suggestions for Developing or Articulating Your Questions To Your Spiritual Guidance:
• Remember Love is Perfectly Clear! It is Perfect Clarity! Be mindful that your questions are perfectly clear too. If you get a ‘mixed answer’, pause and don’t go into doubt (fearing you are doing something wrong), rather explore what you are asking in curiosity (Love). Sometimes writing the question down helps in this process of getting clear about your question. Also, I find it always helpful to add to any questions “and is this in my highest interest?”
• Remember, Love is only “moving right now” in this moment. If you want answers from God, they need be ‘present moment’ questions! And remember, answers are also “present moment related”, meaning the truth as it is right now is “this”. So if you are asking about going somewhere, the answer only applies to ‘right now’. If you get a “no” right now, then ‘listen’ for when it crosses your mind again as a clue to “ask again”. In this way, you are always ‘staying in the moment’; the only place the Infinite Nature of God’s Love, the only place Creation is Happening.
• If by chance you slip ‘out of the moment’ and break your connection which amounts to basically “going into doubt and questioning if you are doing it right or not getting the answer you want, no worries. Just re-center yourself and begin asking again, but changing your question perhaps being more specific. Always remember doubt is a form of fear, mostly ‘fearing’ you are doing it right. If you find yourself struggling with doubt, it is suggested you revisit “Operating In The Moment” by God. Here is the link.
Copyright 2012
Always Remember, you are far more powerful than you know... and far more polarized in your beliefs than you realize. Through miracles you will find your Divine Balance, but your must persist in the work... for it does all the work!
Remember, as you believe so shall your body follow... and will be realized as you do your session work. You release a "trapped emotion" causing the pain... you experience the work of a miracle and then... minutes, hours, days later... "a deeper polarized belief makes it real again". So it's like a tug-a-war between the 'light' and the 'darkness'. Getting the dark to completely surrender is then the key... and this is the work of Worksheet II and III. Your guidance will lead you to releasing the 'negative beliefs' - so that once and for all you are completely free and empowered to stop the insanity!
So continue to ask and be 'in the full light of love'... stay in gratitude... stay in God's Love by consciously choosing love with your every choice!
Yes, it takes practice, and yet you have mastered 'fear'... and now, with the help of God, you will master staying in the Singularity of Love's Presence, the Only Thing that is REAL.
So practice masters it... embodies it, so that your mortality becomes but a fleeting experience, a dream mistakenly owned and now released.
This is Spiritual Mastery, this is Love truly Unleashed!
This is God's Love Expressing In You Now, Now, Now.