Instantly Unleash Tangible Miracles In Your Life! (A Lab-Class for ACIM)
Testimonies of Miracle Healing of Our Beloved Children:
Healing Based on The Principles of A Course In Miracle using the framework of Perfection Healing
Parents can assist the Holy Spirit in the healing of their children, where they are too young to choose for themselves and need our assistance in removing their 'blocks of fear' that they have mistakenly taken on... which is now causing them to mistakenly suffer. As follows are a few parent stories that are so beautiful to see how years of suffering, or short term things such as fevers, etc. , were released and now they are set free!
CHILD HEALED OF ASTHMA... "MY SON HAS NOT EXPERIENCED ASTHMA IN MONTHS": “Words cannot explain how beneficial and enlightening this program has been. Walking and speaking with the Holy Spirit is rapidly becoming second nature -if that's the appropriate word. My 8 year old suffered from asthma and being sick ALL the time. From having colds to asthma attacks to really high fever spells... Until... I started to use the PH program on his behalf. This revealed and allowed me to release the few emotions he had trapped (some from what I endured during pregnancy and unintentionally passed along to him). .. We have not experienced asthma in months...A few weeks ago however, he had the flu with fever - it had no solid foundation to stay because mommy wouldn't have it! I used Perfection Healing and communicated with The Holy Spirit and as a result the "perceived" problem... Again, proving in tangible form, greater is He that is WITHIN me than he that is in the world!"
Krystal Crumbie 10/29/2012
"My daughters are two years and seven months old. As you may guess, my husband and I sometimes struggle with getting enough rest. I've been doing Perfection Healing work myself for some years now, and have seen many many many
miracles happen within my own life and within others. However, since I'm a fairly new parent, this experience with using Perfection Healing with my kids is different and to me, even more amazing to witness. My girls has started having tantrums, which most people would call 'normal'. When I started hearing myself raising my voice, getting into power struggles, moving into irritation
(mostly due to being exhaustion and being pulled in a million directions all at once)...I found myself feeling guilty and thinking "I'm messing up my kids! I'm a horrible mother!"
It was like as soon as I became a parent, I had an entire new ruler to judge myself and see if I could match up or be better than what I label a 'good' parent to be. So I started doing emotional sessions specifically around parenting. I find myself more open to understanding my girls, and much more patient. I now deal with less guilt when I do something for myself.
Here's an example: Last night, when dealing with my two year old not wanting to go to bed, 'tantrum in her crib', I decided to take a breath, move into Love and be intentionally present moment with her. When I walked into her room, I got eye level and gave her a hug. I proceeded to have a conversation with her, being patient and asking her to be patient. We both took deep breaths, and as I waited in silence for her to communicate with me I felt even more at peace. I got creative and played pretend with her stuffed animals because "they were tired too and ready for bed." :) She ended up laying down without a fight whatsoever. All in all, giving myself the space to work on me (which people tend to forget) allowed me to have a wonderful moments with my daughters. Thank you to Perfection Healing, as a parent, I'm showing up more present moment, calmer and patient with my kids."
Natalie Bruno 11/20/2016