Instantly Unleash Tangible Miracles In Your Life! (A Lab-Class for ACIM)
Guidance = Opportunity = Lesson = Clarity = Pure Self
Learn to have FUN! Learn the meaning of Love, over and over and over again!
Received 10/22/2013 - Through Natalie Bruno
A Course In Miracles aims to teach us the meaning of Love, yet it teaches that learning the meaning of Love is beyond what can be taught. This means to learn Love's true meaning we need to 'experience it' and it is through experience that we learn that we are truly invulnerable. We learn as the course summarizes, "Nothing Real can be threatened, nothing Unreal Exist. Herein lies the Peace of God." We learn this through our inner guidance, allowing guidance to show and prove to us (through miracles) who we really are. Knowing this is 'feeling it'... beyond our words or our limited definitions.
How does guidance work in your daily life? As follows is what came from inner guidance in answer to this question.
Guidance =
Guidance is given only when the time is right. As for when it is received is up to you. You see, your guidance is natural. It is a part of you, literally and spiritually. Here in the physical realm, you only perceive yourself as separate from everyone because of the boundary you perceive as your body. Your body allows you to be present in this realm and connected to spiritual realm as well. When you receive guidance, always know that something wonderful is unfolding. As always you can receive guidance at any moment and understand it a certain way, but know that there is always more.
Do not put your guidance in a box. It is dynamic and living just as you are. Through your guidance you are revealing an opportunity for yourself or others (or both).
Opportunity =
Let’s discuss what opportunity actually is. Opportunity is an opening of your heart to learn more about yourself and your path in life. As long as there is willingness to receive guidance, there will always be opportunity that follows, always. This opportunity may sometimes not be as clear to you as it is to others. Stay open to the opportunities for yourself. Again, do not put yourself (or God) in a box. As long as there is willingness, there is opportunity around the corner. It will find you.
Lesson =
Within the opportunity of your guidance there are lessons. Now, be clear, the lesson is already learned and is always available for you to remember. Therein lies the abundance of our world.
So many moments in time create provoking thoughts. When you ask for guidance from a “thought” that you became aware of you are seeking a decision based in Love. Be the answer may or may not influence your choice is where the true lesson lies in wait. As you proceed to move to the next moment you are then “choosing” Love or fear.
Either choice is acceptable AND both are the lesson itself. The Lesson therefore can be explained as “making a conscious decision to live in Love or fear”.
Clarity =
Clarity happens when you understand a new perception is available to you. This new perception may be minuet or may be larger than life. Clarity is where your happiness can spring forward and move through your life along with you (instead of you moving towards it). Within clarity lies your peace, your serenity, your true self as one with all.
Pure Self =
Pure self is quite simple. You have gained clarity through your lesson and because of your clarity it brings you to the acknowledgement of your Pure Self – which is Who you were created to be. As you join yourself with all the energies of the world and universe and beyond, you learn to truly step into your Pure Self and take on a new understanding of you, because there is no separation, your Pure Self flows into other’s energy and then this beautiful cycle continues onto the new. This is why working on your own perceptions and values has such a strong effect on others around you. As you learn, so does all of humanity.
"Claiming Your Birthright is Your Awakening In Perfect Love."
"The Perfection Healing Lab Class is all about connecting with your Teachers within, the Holy Spirit, Your Guides, Christ, or God, so the you can actively practice and embrace the principles of A Course In Miracles... where the Holy Spirit not only is standing in complete readiness to release you from your insanities, but it is giving you the tangible experience of this release."
"As you free yourself, you free all of humankind, for in the truth of God's Kingdom, we are All One Love, expressing as individualized waves in the Ocean of God's Creation."